






Name | 项目名称

Xiamen Software Polytechnic丨厦门软件职业技术学院校园景观设计

Location | 项目地点

Guangdong,China 丨 中国厦门

Client | 项目业主 

Xiamen Software Polytechnic丨厦门软件职业技术学院图书馆

The Landscape Design 丨景观设计



Area | 项目面积​ 4500㎡​

Design Time丨设计时间


Project Style 丨 项目风格

Modern Natural Style 丨现代自然

Keywords丨 关键词

Edutainment,Interactive shaing丨寓教于乐、互动共享




As a mi­cro­cosm of so­ci­ety,  the role of  uni­ver­sity cam­pus is  not lim­ited  to teach­ing and ed­u­cat­ing peo­ple  through multi-spe­cialty  and com­pre­hen­sive  ed­u­ca­tional or­ga­ni­za­tion.  Every school  has its unique hu­man­is­tic spirit and place spirit,  which is also a  "soft ed­u­ca­tion means"  that can­not be ig­nored.  The pro­ject is lo­cated in Jimei Dis­trict, Xi­a­men city. The orig­i­nal base is sur­rounded by a large num­ber of uni­ver­si­ties and re­search in­sti­tutes, with an ex­tremely strong aca­d­e­mic at­mos­phere. It is the orig­i­nal in­ten­tion a nd vi­sion of the  de­signer in the cam­pus  land­scape de­sign to ma­te­ri­al­ize  and ex­press it through  the in­ter­ven­tion of the pro­ject,  re­al­ize the in­te­gra­tion of peo­ple and the site, and then guide the stu­dents' be­hav­ior, in­flu­ence the stu­dents' psy­chol­ogy, and con­struct an ed­u­ca­tional at­mos­phere that com­bines learn­ing with fun.







不同学科专业的共享, 能够给学生提供相对自由、包容的思考空间。 我们藉由多学科专业的共享与场地设计相融合, 创造出满足日常交流、休闲的互动共享空间, 同时展现出软件学院的信息化特色。 围绕软件和信息服务的教育核心,以电子信息、文化创意和现代服务业为主的三大产业链,  以及软件学院的六大特色专业群, 我们将设计定位为【共享智慧空间】。


The shar­ing of  dif­fer­ent dis­ci­plines and  ma­jors can pro­vide stu­dents  with rel­a­tively  free  and tol­er­ant think­ing space.   Through the  in­te­gra­tion of multi-dis­ci­pli­nary pro­fes­sional shar­ing  and  site de­sign, we  cre­ate in­ter­ac­tive shared  space to meet the  daily com­mu­ni­ca­tion and leisure,  and at the same  time show the in­for­ma­tion char­ac­ter­is­tics of the soft­ware school.  Cen­ter­ing  on the ed­u­ca­tional core of soft­ware  and in­for­ma­tion ser­vices,  the three in­dus­trial  chains of elec­tronic in­for­ma­tion, cul­tural  cre­ativ­ity  and mod­ern  ser­vice  in­dus­try ,  as well as  the six char­ac­ter­is­tic pro­fes­sional  groups of  the Soft­ware  School, we have  po­si­tioned  the  de­sign as a "shared wis­dom space".










入口迎宾形象区以多功能轴线通道空间,线条与体块的结合,延续简洁现代的建筑风格,以此演绎对场地和建筑的解读, 形成了良好的对外形象展示面。二层通过部分连廊连同实训楼,使各种流线在独立中又有机联系,方便教学、读书、阅览及办公等一系列人员使用问题,凸显出空间的交往性。


The im­age area at the en­trance is a mul­ti­func­tional axis chan­nel space.  The com­bi­na­tion of lines  and vol­umes con­tin­ues  the  sim­ple and  mod­ern ar­chi­tec­tural style, de­duces the in­ter­pre­ta­tion of the site and ar­chi­tec­ture,  and forms a good ex­ter­nal im­age dis­play  sur­face.   The sec­ond floor is con­nected  with the  train­ing  build­ing through part of the con­nect­ing cor­ri­dor,  so that  all kinds of  stream­line in the  in­de­pen­dent and  or­ganic con­nec­tion,   con­ve­nient for teach­ing, read­ing,  of­fice and a se­ries of per­son­nel use prob­lems, high­light­ing the com­mu­ni­ca­tion of the space.











户外茶座景观休息区以学校师生需求为出发点,在空间上保证了足够的开放性与通透性。 根据建筑室内功能布局,充分将构筑物功能化,形成室内咖啡吧的私密与室外咖啡吧的互动关系,给学校师生提供了轻松自在的休闲空间。


The out­door tea house land­scape rest  area is based on  the rest needs of  teach­ers and  stu­dents of the school,  which en­sures enough open­ness and trans­parency in space.   Ac­cord­ing to  the in­te­rior func­tional  lay­out of the build­ing,  the  struc­ture  is fully func­tional,  orm­ing  an in­ter­ac­tive re­la­tion­ship  be­tween the  pri­vacy  of the in­door cof­fee bar and the out­door cof­fee bar, pro­vid­ing a re­laxed leisure space for teach­ers and stu­dents.








户外书吧林荫休闲区以落地玻璃墻为界面,连同室内图书馆与户外书吧空间的功能互动及联系。 联通的空间布局,提供了一种自由、共融的空间氛围。点缀在休闲区的几何形书吧,同样是一个个有趣的装置艺术。平行的线条感与“平行世界”的设计主题相呼应,提供了丰富的互动性,吸引师生停留、在这里,思维得以散发、多元化的信息得以传播和共享。


Floor-to-ceil­ing glass cur­tain wall is used as the in­ter­face to con­nect the func­tional in­ter­ac­tion   and con­nec­tion  be­tween in­door  li­brary and out­door book bar space. The cir­cu­la­tion space lay­out pro­vides a free and har­mo­nious space at­mos­phere. Geo­met­ric book bars dot­ted in the leisure  area are also in­ter­est­ing in­stal­la­tions.  The sense of   par­al­lel lines echoes  the de­sign  theme  of "par­al­lel world",  pro­vid­ing rich  in­ter­ac­tiv­ity that  at­tracts teach­ers  and stu­dents  to stay.  Here,  think­ing can be dis­trib­uted, di­ver­si­fied in­for­ma­tion can be spread and shared.










As an ex­ten­sion of the in­te­rior space to the land­scape, the of­fice square has sim­ple and ef­fi­cient lines, en­sur­ing enough open­ness and trans­parency in the space.









Shenzhen CPL Campus Culture Technology Construction Co., LTD




















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