





Name | 项目名称

Anhui Chunhui School丨安徽春晖学校校园景观设计

Location | 项目地点

Luan,China 丨 中国六安

Client | 项目业主  

Anhui Chunhui School丨安徽春晖教育集团

The Landscape Design 丨景观设计

CPL DESIGN 丨 赛尚校园文化


Area | 项目面积


Design Time丨设计时间


Project Style 丨 项目风格

Modern Natural Style 丨现代自然

Keywords丨 关键词

Campus Communization丨校园社区化





In space struc­ture, the his­tor­i­cal de­vel­op­ment of the school has fully un­der­stood the premise, we put for­ward the re­con­struc­tion strat­egy of the cam­pus com­mu­nity, cre­at­ing a com­mu­nity "to­tal ShengJu can ring" of the cam­pus, cre­ate com­fort­able and qual­ity for the teach­ers and stu­dents learn­ing life scenes, re­veal warm and have hu­man na­ture of hu­man­is­tic care, and to de­velop the cam­pus com­mu­nity iden­tity and sense of be­long­ing.






Land­scape en­ergy gath­er­ing -- to cre­ate the en­ergy ring of the com­mu­nity cam­pus​. By means of "ori­ented en­ergy gath­er­ing, spa­tial en­ergy gath­er­ing and eco­log­i­cal en­ergy gath­er­ing", the se­ries of spa­tial dy­namic lines, the con­struc­tion of func­tional hubs and the pen­e­tra­tion of nat­ural eco­log­i­cal space are re­al­ized. The ex­ten­sion of three-di­men­sional and be­hav­ior space brings na­ture into the cam­pus, re­al­iz­ing the in­te­gra­tion of the site and na­ture, in­ter­act­ing with na­ture in the cam­pus, in­ter­act­ing with class­mates and teach­ers, and shar­ing leisure time.








The gate of the school adopts ma­te­ri­als such as dec­o­ra­tive stone and glass cur­tain wall to form a mod­ern and sim­ple im­age in­ter­face, show­ing the school tem­pera­ment in an open at­ti­tude. In the in­de­pen­dent en­trance, the warm-up site for vi­tal­ity awak­en­ing is set as the first node. Chi­nese lo­cust trees are used as the start­ing point for warm-up at both sides of the en­trance. Then deep in­side the run­way, zelkova trees are used as the main land­scape trees, par­tially dec­o­rated with flow­ers and mag­no­lia, and a small pocket gar­den is nat­u­rally en­closed, with a reg­u­lar ground and a clear space. To huai, beech mean­ing stu­dents hold the kui in the mid­dle.













The atrium, en­closed by the teach­ing build­ing 1# and 2#, is a sports gar­den full of pas­sion and vi­tal­ity. Stu­dents will change from spec­ta­tors to par­tic­i­pants in the bad­minton area and table ten­nis area dur­ing the break time or in the phys­i­cal ed­u­ca­tion class. With the place­ment of tree ar­ray square and rest benches, the site be­comes a suit­able place for stu­dents' sports, study, leisure, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and gath­er­ing ac­tiv­i­ties.











School set the cen­tral plaza, cen­tral axis, com­mu­ni­cate with party build­ing square, gar­den to­gether gen­er­ate sen­ti­ment on the poly­mer­iza­tion of the topic space, into the out­door bar, leisure space and land­scape pool, wooden plat­form, cre­ative sa­lon shape strong sense of space to sur­round close feel­ing, con­den­sa­tion, even­tu­ally be­come the rich nat­ural eco­log­i­cal beauty, and the hu­man­i­ties spirit space, achieve the goal of cul­tural ed­u­ca­tion and en­vi­ron­ment ed­u­ca­tion.













The de­sign adopts the con­cept of "ro­tat­ing ru­bik's cube", and splices dif­fer­ent col­ored squares in dif­fer­ent Spaces to high­light the unique vi­tal­ity of the space scene, cre­at­ing an art gar­den and out­door the­ater sur­rounded by green shade suit­able for rest and gath­er­ings. Art gar­den in the form of ru­bik's cube tree pool planted cherry trees, mean­ing qionglin beau­ti­ful, new branch jin­shi, plant­ing peach mean­ing peach gar­den; The stairs of the am­phithe­ater pro­vide a meet­ing place for stu­dents to learn and com­mu­ni­cate.







Shenzhen CPL Campus Culture Technology Construction Co., LTD




















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